Is there the Ukrainian language on occupied Donbas territory?

Is there the Ukrainian language on occupied Donbas territory?

There are no prospects for Ukrainian philologists in universities situated on the territory which is controlled by “DPR”. However, the Department of Ukrainian Philology still works in Donetsk. There are portraits of Aleksandr Pushkin and Taras Shevchenko in the dean’s office. Events devoted to Shevchenko poetry are held and films about Kobzar are shown at the faculty, still, Ukrainian philologists made a presentation of their speciality in Russian this year.

There is a Department of Ukrainian Philology and Applied Linguistics at this “university” today but even “Donetsk National University” management is not sure if anyone needs it. “Radio Liberty” journalists telephoned Donetsk “university” saying that they had some questions about what profession to choose. When they asked if it was worth studying Ukrainian philology, the member of the commission said: “I do not know, maybe, the Ukrainian language will be banned in “DPR” tomorrow. If you have doubts, go to the Russian Philology Department, at least you will be able to find a job here and go to Russia after that.”

We were told that we would get more information at the dean’s office, but there a secretary failed to answer if there were any career prospects for Ukrainian philologists in “DPR”. “You’re asking some stupid questions, actually, I have to work, I have no time to talk to you”, said the secretary.

There are portraits of Aleksandr Pushkin and Taras Shevchenko in the dean’s office. Inessa Artamonova used to be the head of the Department of Journalism before the war. Two years after its beginning she speculates about the necessity for Russian and Ukrainian cultures to coexist in the Donbas. “This development should look like these portraits above me. There must not be any struggle, we should take the best from each culture”.

She stayed in Donetsk but the majority of teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature left to restart everything in Vinnytsya.

Vira Prosalova, head of the Department of Ukrainian Philology moved to Vinnytsya together with the main part of Donetsk National University. She never came back to Donetsk unlike one of her colleagues, Ellina Sventsytska who visited the city in autumn of 2015. The “guards” at the doors let her in first, but later they ordered her to leave the building. According to militants’ decree, people who relocated to Ukraine, were banned from entering the building. As for the fact that Ukrainian Philology was not prohibited for studying at a separatist university is explained by Ms. Sventsytska in the following way: “If there is English Philology, there can be Ukrainian Philology as well. I do not know how many students will enter it. In my opinion, they hope that this speciality will just die out completely.”

Oleksandr Zakharchenko, leader of the illegal “DPR” grouping, offered to name the department after Oleh Buzyna, anti-Ukrainian writer murdered in Kyiv. The decision was not taken, however. Several years ago, one of classrooms was named after Vasyl Stus, poet and dissident who studied at Donetsk University. His portrait still hangs in one of classrooms, the new “management” has not taken it off yet. This cannot be said about a poet’s bas-relief which used to decorate the main entrance to the building. It was dismantled in the spring of 2015.

According to the information on the official page of the Department, last autumn the “University” celebrated the Day of the Ukrainian Language. They organized a dictation in Ukrainian for all the people who wanted to join in. Teachers and students also marked Shevchenko’s birthday in March 2016. There were a book exposition and a film about Kobzar.  A contest for the best knowledge of the Ukrainian language was held in the spring as well.

The best group of the Faculty was chosen at the Philological Faculty of Donetsk “University” in June. Students of the speciality “The Ukrainian Language and Literature” got the first place. However, their video presentation was made in Russian.

Several days ago, there was a graduation ceremony at the Department of Ukrainian Philology and Applied Linguistics in Donetsk. Now, the Department is expecting new students. There are twenty-two day-time budget places and three part-time budget places, though, according to the information we were told during our telephone conversation with Donetsk, only those who have passed “state DPR attestation” (school final exams) can hope to get there.

New service "Explain Ukraine". This is a daily mailout of three articles which were written about the situation in the Donbas by Donbas journalists and translated into English. Honest vision of people who work in the field is unbiased and fresh which is crucial in the world which is full of desinformation and propaganda. We try to share this vision in out daily mailout.  You can subscribe here.

По материалам : "Новости Донбасса "


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