“DPR customs”: Rules, restrictions, advice. Part 1

“DPR customs”: Rules, restrictions, advice. Part 1

May holidays are coming. It is evident that there will be regular stir along the demarcation line in the Donbas. We are going to tell you how to go through the so-called checkpoints of “DPR”.
Photo from open sources

The trip to and from “DPR” became more complicated at the end of January.  Problems with passing through the so-called “DPR” customs points” are added to those connected with going through the Ukrainian checkpoints. The majority of people have got accustomed to the rules regulating the work of Ukrainian checkpoints for one year of their existence. More than that, the rules are clearly fixed in the “Temporary order of control over crossing the demarcation line”; the rules were discussed in MM, and the requirements are presented on information boards at checkpoints.

It is more complicated with “DPR”. The trial and error method works there:  there are no explanations at checkpoint, no publications in MM, no information boards.

“Ministries & departments”

However, the work of “DPR” customs posts is regulated by a number of local documents. At the same time, few people know about their existence; they are changed with every passing month; not all of them are accessible.

The basic rules are presented in “Temporary provisions about “DPR” customs system” of 10.01.2015, with amendments. On March 25, 2016, the “republic” enacted “DPR customs regulation act” which has not been signed or published yet. It is only known that the act was developed on the basis of “temporary provisions” and “Customs Code of the Customs Union”.

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“DPR” customs are controlled by the so-called “customs department” at the “ministry of income and fees”. For example, the list of customs posts is determined by the “ministry” in the document under the title “On transfer of goods, vehicles, and other objects through the customs border of DPR”. The document is edited every month; the latest amendments were introduced on April 7, 2016, and they have been in force since April 11. However, there is no guarantee that a new version will appear in May. Besides, there are orders, regulations, and “bylaws” issued by other “republican” ministries.

Complaints and suggestions concerning the work of the customs may be directed to the “DPR ministry of income and fees” (city of Donetsk, Artema Street, 114, (062) 301-50-88, (062) 301-50-87, [email protected]), in particular:

– Suggestions, remarks, and complaints concerning the work of the “customs department” or its staff should be submitted (24/7) to: +38 (062) 301-54-17;

– Consultations on customs laws and “DPR customs” may be received at: +38 (062) 301-54-98;

– Helpline concerning corruption in the “ministry structures” is at: MTC+38 (066) 805-66-92, local operator "Feniks" +38 (071) 303-32-10.


At present, the list of “DPR” customs points includes 10 posts and 15 checkpoints. Out of them, 4 automobile posts are for citizens moving from “DPR” to Ukraine and the way back; others are for railway transportation of cargo, and for those who go to Russia or “LPR” (the list of posts with addresses may be found in the present article).

As the “republican” documents say, avoiding these points and “customs control” entails responsibility under “DPR laws”. In addition, there are ordinary posts where they may check documents and luggage. For example, if one goes from Bakhmut to Horlivka, first, on the way, there is the last Ukrainian checkpoint Mayorsk, then “DPR” checkpoint, and only after that Horlivka “customs post”.


As far as the timetable of “DPR” customs posts is concerned, it is fixed in the “republican” documents that the control is exercised every day, without days off or holidays. There work depends on the military situation in the area too.

It is understandable that the time s connected with the Ukrainian checkpoint working schedule. On March 2, all Ukrainian checkpoints in the ATO zone shifted to the summer working hours: from 7 am to 6:30 pm. Respectively, “DPR” posts open at about 5:30-6 am until “the last client” coming from the territory controlled by Ukraine, but not later than 10 pm as the curfew starts at 11 pm on the territory controlled by the “republic”. Those who have not been in time, stay overnight in the open air or in the car. If even you manage to pass through the post in Horlivka, you will not be able to get, for example, to Donetsk. You have to stay overnight at the “DPR” post: nobody will let you through until 5 am.

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