Main news of Donbas: shellings resumed in ATO zone; recruiting to new police was launched in Mariupol

Main news of Donbas: shellings resumed in ATO zone; recruiting to new police was launched in Mariupol

Shellings resumed in ATO zone

ATO press service reports that armed provocations took place in the Anti-Terrorist Operation zone in the evening of October 4. Illegal armed formations shelled positions of the ATO forces 12 times (from 6.30 p.m. to 0.30 a.m.) using grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms. Opytne, Avdiivka, Novogrodske and Pisky were under the armed militants' fire.  The militants fired in the direction of chemical and cement plants, Spartak, Old Terminal of Donetsk Airport, Shyroka Balka (creek), Putilovsky forest.

The longest queues are at Volnovakha and Artemivsk checkpoints

There are a lot of vehicles of special category (carrying disabled and elderly) at Volnovakha checkpoint in Mariupol direction. The traffic practically does not move. In Artemovsk direction there are queues in both directions, the traffic moves very slowly — 25-30 cars. People started reserving places in the queue the evening before. Heorhievka checkpoint (Kurakhove) is opened, a short queue gathered there before the opening, but the traffic moves quite quickly. Hnutove checkpoint is opened, there is practically no queue, the traffic moves quite quickly.

Militant informer to stand trial in the Luhansk region

A specification with charges against a militant who was the illegal “LPR” organization informer was sent to court. A Bilovodsk district resident is accused of collaboration with the terrorist organization.

An ammunition cache was discovered in Svatove

The Security Service of Ukraine together with the Ukrainian military law and order service discovered a cache with a big amount of anti-tank mines and detonating fuzes for them.  171 anti-tank mine TM-62M and 164 detonating charges MVCh-62. Total explosives weight is 1368 kilos of tritolo. 

Nearly 200 people applied to the new Mariupol police during the first hour of recruitment

Recruitment to the new European style  police was launched in Mariupol on November 5. In the morning a long queue of people wishing to become police officers gathered on the square near the reception station. More than 200 candidates applied during the first hour.  480 people are to be admitted to the new patrol police which will operate in the town and its vicinity. 

Nearly 40 thousand internally displaced persons registered in Slovyansk

38 717 people (including children, elderly and disabled people) had officially registered as internally displaced persons in Slovyansk centre for administrative services. The certificate of registration gives these people  a status of a temporary Slovyansk resident and access to all social services which are available in the town: mediacl service, children's admission to primary and secondary schools, getting pensions and different kinds of welfare assistance, including personal welfare assistance. 

40 draftees from Kostyantynivka (the Donetsk region) started their military service

First 40 draftees from Kostyantynivka (the Donetsk region) were solemnly seen off to join the military formations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. According to the plan of the autumn military conscription the region is to prepare for the state 180 future soldiers.


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