“DPR”. Restoration of Donetsk oligarchs’ clan. Part 2

“DPR”. Restoration of Donetsk oligarchs’ clan. Part 2

The elections to be held on the uncontrolled territories of Ukraine on October 18, 2015, as it was announced by Zakharchenko and other “Russian world” ideologists, caused considerable aversion among “DPR” supporters, more considerable than constant shelling, rocketing prices, and rhetoric of “republican wiseacres”.

“DPR”. Restoration of Donetsk oligarchs’ clan. Part 1


“Clinical naivety of citizens is depressive when they ask every day, “Gennadiy, where are new video clips and articles? What is going on in the republic? Is this the crash of all our hopes?”

I answer:

1.  Yes, this is the end. There is nothing to video; the war is over, to be more precise, we were forced to finish it.

2.  What is going on in the republics? Everything has already happened. We fought for the restoration and consolidation of neo-slave-holding- oligarch parasite system; we were used, and everyone who won’t play according to the rules will be annihilated.

3.  Items 1 and 2 will be explained by me (if I survive) in a number of essays and analytical articles which I have already promised to write to various MM”.


“The situation in the Donbas has been resolved. However, it has been resolved neither from the Russia’s point of view, nor from the point of view of the Russian people. It has been resolved from the point of view of oligarchs. In fact, it has been resolved by giving the Donbas to Ukraine. And, in accordance with the information at my disposal and the data which I get, the decision is final and irreversible… The question arises: Why was everything started? What for?

Russia will preserve its presence on the territory without doubt.

However, it will be without tanks and “Grads” which may appear again behind the backs of local gods at the right moment. It will be preserved in expensive suits and “Mercedes” cars of the “republican elite” which will preserve anti-Ukrainian rhetoric in the region.

This is an ideological deadlock which the leaders of ‘the republics” have forced themselves in repeating the trite mantra “DPR is an independent state”. And there is no way out from the point of view of common sense.

The major part of the territory of “the young state” is occupied; Ukrainian “Nazism has not been conquered; the army is degrading; the prices are rocketing. At the same time the peaceful process is in its final stage; they are almost ready to transfer the border under the “hostile”, “fascist” state.

However, the pure ratio has never been the starting point when speaking about the Donbas mentality, and the reflection there has always started from the full refrigerator. And only when it is empty, the people start thinking about some other things.

Pragmatism multiplied by stupidity allowed “DPR” to appear and start growing on our land. So, it will be quite fair if the pragmatism will silently allow this weed to rod, to go bad, with the supporters of “the

Russian world” just shrugging the shoulders.


New service "Explain Ukraine". This is a daily mailout of three articles which were written about the situation in the Donbas by Donbas journalists and translated into English. Honest vision of people who work in the field is unbiased and fresh which is crucial in the world which is full of desinformation and propaganda. We try to share this vision in out daily mailout.  You can subscribe here.

По материалам : "Новости Донбасса "


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