On the verge of death. Cyborg “Spartanets”. Part 2

On the verge of death. Cyborg “Spartanets”. Part 2

He is sergeant major of the first company, the 90th separate airmobile battalion of the 95th brigade. His name is Anatoliy Svirid, call name – “Spartanets”. He is a cyborg of Donetsk airport. He was there and did not give up until the last, despite asphyxiating gas, tanks, mines, and launchers.

On the verge of death. Cyborg “Spartanets”.Part 1

“Spartanets”  was lucky after the second explosion: he was alive.

- I was between two Heroes of Ukraine (posthumously) “Psikh” and “Krab”. When I was flying, I was hooked by something and hung. It was creepy; cries were tearing the soul. Guys… Eight were severely wounded. We took out those who we could pull out (one of them was“Psikh” – Ihor Zinich), but they died at about 1 o’clock in the morning. At the airport.

By that time the territory which was defended by cyborgs had got very small.

However, nobody was going to surrender. We made a new barricade and collected the dead.

- “Orki” (Russians, separatists) stopped attacking; they were collecting their militants. A lot of them were left by them and then eaten by dogs. The picture was horrible – the trees which had been alive were cut down; dogs which had been well looked after were wild, wounded by fragments, some of them on three paws. It was a terrible sight.

Heroism at war is the result of insufficient work of the high command

After the explosions, a part of the guys went away. Those who stayed waiting for unblocking and reinforcement turned off the transmitters as their waves could be overheard. We used mobile phones trying to call in all directions.

- We executed the order which was stupid, but we had no right to leave the airport without it. Though a part of guys had left, I could not understand that. I stayed as I could not leave the guys, neither alive, nor dead. “Orki” could come and say, “Ukrops” (Ukrainians) left their soldiers. Are they patriots?” The rule of every commander is “Don’t leave your people”. Heroism? Heroism at war is insufficient work of high command who have to plan operations.

Svirid called higher commanders several times and asked about evacuation. There were a lot of 300th (the wounded). He was answered, “Wait for evacuation. We are negotiating it”.

- In the morning I called the command again. Major Kotvitskiy said, “Rely on yourselves”. The guys were dying. So, I went directly to separatists. They were getting ready for the assault with flame throwers and machine guns. Yes, they could shoot me, but I had no choice.

He was on the verge of death again. They listened to him and called their chieftain. The talk at the old terminal lasted for 15 minutes. “Spartanets” asked for a doctor and painkillers, urgently. The enemy promised to provide them, but “Spartanets” had to go to their captivity.

The doctor injected and bandaged the wounded and then they were taken to Donetsk traumatology hospital. Those who were in serious condition stayed in hospital; others were taken to the basement in the building of the former Security Service of Ukraine. There was the archive in the cells in the past, so the cyborgs slept on the shelves for papers instead of beds. They spent a month there.

- I was exchanged accidentally, – says Anatoliy Svirid. – They exchanged us choosing those who they could not provide medical care to. By the way, they told me that I would not be exchanged – that my eyes said that I would come back. If I had not been wounded, I would have stayed there. I was able to defend myself even without weapons: “If you are knocked off, fight on your knees, as for the last time”. I may come back.

A year later. A lot of show off

A lot of guys who went through the hell of the airport cannot adapt to civil life and go back to the ATO.
As “Spartanets” says, everything is real there. They understand that every day may be the last day, so one should live it in the proper way.

Svirid launched a public organization “The Hearts of Cyborgs” which helps cyborgs who survived and to children whose fathers stayed at the airport forever.

- Our soldiers need communication. And children of perished comrades-in-arms like to spend time with us as we are people who knew their fathers. On the other hand, they understand that they are not forgotten. Now we, together with Ivica Piric,  are arranging a holiday for them in Croatia.

There are lots of barriers in the life of former defenders of the airport. They may not get a job. It is difficult to communicate with civil people who cannot understand what hell the cyborgs went through. There are financial problems too. “Spartanets” got as much as 17 thousand Hryvnyas (less than $1,000) for being wounded three times and for six contusions.

- Volunteers help a lot. But the state… They said about rehabilitation. But I still don’t know what it is. I have not seen any psychologist. A lot of show off, but no real actions. We would like the Motherland to take care of the people who lost their health and life in the war.

The same situation is with awards. A lot of people were offended by the state.

- Some people were awarded, some people were not. I can’t understand that. I think that all people who were at the airport deserve the order. However, the best reward for me is not from the state. It is my son’s words. He asked me, “You know who is my idol?” I thought, it was some footballer. My son said, “You, my father”.

Roksana Kasumova for UP. Life

Photo from Anatoliy Svirid’s private archive

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