Main News of Donbas: Three Ukrainian militaries wounded during the last day; A mural with “Azov” Regiment militaries appeared in Mariupol

Main News of Donbas: Three Ukrainian militaries wounded during the last day; A mural with “Azov” Regiment militaries appeared in Mariupol

Security Service of Ukraine detained a saboteur who planned a series of acts of terrorism in the ATO zone

Officers of the Security Service of Ukraine detained a saboteur in Dobropillya, the Donetsk region, who planned a number of acts of terrorism in the Anti-Terrorist Operation zone. According to the law enforcers, the militant had been specially trained at the base of the so-called “Vostok” battalion of the illegal “DPR’ grouping in May-July, 2014. After that, his curators sent him to the territory controlled by Ukraine to arrange acts of terrorism together with other members of a militants’ group which was to arrive in the Ukrainian territory. The militant had 9 kg of plastids, launcher RPG-26, grenades F-1, a Kalashnikov automatic machine gun, a Makarov gun, and cartridges of various calibers.

Three Ukrainian militaries were wounded during the last day

Three Ukrainian militaries were wounded, with no people perished in the ATO zone during the last day. Andriy Lysenko, spokesperson of the Presidential Administration on ATO-related issues, said that there had been absolute silence around Luhansk for two days. The situation near Donetsk is not stable. There e been militants’ provocations. They have shelled the ATO positions from small arms, launchers, and antitank systems.

Mural with “Azov” Regiment military appeared in Mariupol

A mural with an “Azov” Regiment military designed in military style has appeared in Mariupol. ‘Azov” Regiment militaries deployed in Mariupol and Shyrokyne took part in painting it. It presents defenders of Ukraine as Cossacks, a Ukrainian Rebel Army soldier, and an “Azov” Regiment military – a member of an Anti-Terrorist Operation.

A “DPR” militant who attempted to murder an activist and a businessperson was detained in Dobropillya

Police officers of Donetsk regional police department detected and detained a militant with byname “Malyi’ who had fought for ‘DPR” for several months, then came back to his native place Dobropillya and continued to actively support militants. According to law enforcers, the militant  committed 2 attempted murders and damaged town activists’ property.

A militant involved in arranging a Ukrainian plane crash was detained in the Luhansk region

Officers of the Security Service of Ukraine and of the police detained a militant in Sukhodolsk, the Luhansk region, who was involved in arranging the crash of the Ukrainian plane and the capture of its pilot. The local resident was a militant of the 9th company of “LPR” Sukhodolsk Home Guard. He participated in the hostilities near the settlements of Izvaryne, Pionerske, Vesela, and Korolevka. There is information that it was his grouping that shot the Ukrainian plane AN-26 down.

A military perished in the ATO zone during the last day

A military perished and three more were wounded in the ATO zone during the last day. Militants shelled ATO forces’ positions from prohibited heavy armament. No drones were registered during the last day.

The person who blew up Ukrainian patriots’ vehicles has been arrested

A militant of an illegal armed grouping was arrested in Dobropillya (the Donetsk region). He was involved in the arrangement of acts of terrorism, attempted murders of two people, damaging property of Ukrainian patriots in Dobropillya, and organization and holding the illegal referendum in the town.

Militants shelled a checkpoint of border guards in the Luhansk region

On December 26, from Pervomaiske, militants of illegal armed groupings shelled the border guards’ checkpoint of “Zolote” in the Luhansk region. According to border guards, “no drones were registered within the Donetsk and Luhansk regions”.

A telephone was taken away from a journalist at a polling station in Svyatohirsk

A telephone was taken away from a journalist at a polling station in Svyatohirsk. The information was presented by the independent NGO “Committee of Voters of Ukraine” with reference to Denis Molchanov, journalist from “Tochka Opory”. The police officers who were present at the polling station were useless. The “Tochka Opoty” journalist called the police, number 102. At about 6 p.m. a rapid response  group came to the station and the telephone had to be given back. The victim applied to the police.


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