News of Donbas: Militants disarmament, Russian diplomas in “DPR”, TV for Donetsk

News of Donbas: Militants disarmament, Russian diplomas in “DPR”, TV for Donetsk

News of Donbas: Militants disarmament, Russian diplomas in “DPR”, TV for Donetsk

The occupied territory

Aleksander Khodakovskiy, “Vostok” battalion commander and the so-called “DPR” Security Council Secretary, told journalists in one of his interviews, “Our war will be over only when there is a pro-Russian anti-fascist state to the south of Russia.”

He also said that the militants plan to advance and threatened to employ artillery which will entail “unavoidable destruction.”  Saying that, he accuses Ukrainian authorities of aggression.

“DPR” is getting ready combat illegal armed formations.  Aleksandr Zakharchenko, who calls himself ”DPR President” issued an ordinance under which security forces must surrender their weapons. Weapons and ammunition must be surrendered by those “who are not members of The Donetsk People’s Republic security forces .” It is reported that “those people who will have not surrendered their weapons by the time stated will be recognized as illegal band formation participants and will face criminal prosecution. The weapons and ammunition must be taken to “military commandant’s offices. “

“DPR” illegal armed formations’ military equipment is ready to be used, as Aleksandr Khodakovskiy, so-called security council secretary of illegal “DPR” organization, claimed that in his commentary to one of local TV channels.  “Yes, with some control on the part of the OSCE, we have withdrawn our military equipment. However, is ready to be used and taken to the front line any moment,” a “DPR” representative said. He also said, that violating the Minsk Agreements, “L-DPR” will fail Russia.
Separatists are going to insist on cancelling the Act of the special status of certain districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions . Illegal organization – “The Donetsk People’s Republic” are going to insist on cancelling The Act on the Status of Donbas which Verkhovna Rada enacted on the March 17.

Militants have not stopped  their provocations in the ATO zone. A group of Ukrainian border guards was attacked near Horlivka. Andriy Lysenko, ATO spokesman, reported these facts.

“The situation in the ATO zone remains tense, with militants continuing armed provocations along the whole frontline from the Sea of Azov to the Bakhmut Highway. At the same time, there has been no registered evidence of employing barreled weapons by the militants”, he informed at the briefing in Kyiv on April 3.

Lysenko noted that Horlyvka vicinity had been the place of the most severe confrontation the day before. That day there was a battle between Ukrainian border guards and a diversion intelligence group of about 10 militants.

“DPR” informs that on April 2 students were awarded Russian Diplomas. “Today 18 people got diplomas of Russian style. Our students get not only scholarships, but also documents”, Aleksandr Zakharchenko, “DPR” illegal organization leader said.

Besides, he also promised to give the status of military operations participants to all people living on the “DPR’ territory. He answered that to the question about  adopting the law about militiamen special status.

The territory under Ukrainian control

More than 70.000 from Donetsk and Luhansk regions’ towns and villages now live and study away from home. Pavel Polianskiy, Deputy Minister of Education, informed about that at the briefing in Kyiv on March 31. “About 46,5 thousand  children from the Donetsk region live and study away from home. About 10.6 thousand are within the Donetsk region (on the territory controlled by Ukraine). The number is not significant in other regions and abroad, about 26 thousand school children and nearly 7.5 thousand  preschool ones. Luhansk region has a smaller number of school children and preschool children. In total, more than 26,6 children of different age left their homes…  About 15 thousand children moved to other regions from the Luhansk one”, Polianskiy said.
The ATO press center reports that Ukrainian positions are shelled by illegal armed formations. 5 servicemen were killed in Shyrokyne vicinity on April 1. Ivan “Kharkov”, an “Azov” regiment serviceman, informed about this. ”The terrorists had not shelled our position in the morning, but they opened  the fire at 3 in the afternoon, and we responded. So, there was a battle with firearms in the settlement of Shyrokyne. The attack was repulsed, with the battle lasting for about an hour”, the serviceman said. Two militants were killed.

The restored Donetsk Regional State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company resumed its work on April 1, as Oleg Nalyvayko, Head of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, said. Now it is operating in a testing mode in digital T2 format. Yelena Maliutina, Head of Donetsk State Administration Information Policy Department has noted, that physically the studio of Donetsk Regional State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company is in Kyiv where there is a place for cutting and  everything necessary for TV. According to Ye. Maliuina, now they are rebroadcasting programs produced by other TV and radio companies.

All the main news of the Donbas in English are presented here

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