Love and war. ATO militaries about happiness which they found. Part 3

Love and war. ATO militaries about happiness which they found. Part 3

The UkrainianPravda. Life presents love stories of Ukrainian servicemen.

Love and war. ATO militaries about happiness which they found. Part 1

Ihor and Olena

He is a military of the 93d separate mechanized brigade. He went through Piski and Vodyane.
She is his “Cherry”.

They have been together for eight thousand years because they are cool and count each year for one thousand years.

He is crazy about cars; she cannot understand her life without travelling.

Ihor and Olena

They are from the east of Ukraine. The war separated them: Olena went from the war to Kyiv; Ihor went to the front to defend the Ukrainian land from the aggressor.

A year and a half has passed in waiting and worrying. Then, all of a sudden, a telephone call: “I have hit a mine”… In a moment she was with him to help him recover and to be together forever.

Anastasiya Borodenkova and Pavlo “Dolphin”

He is a military from “Donbas” battalion.

She is a volunteer.

He has served in Horlivka, Popasna, Tryokhizbenka, Piski, Shchastya. He is still a serviceman.

She has been helping our militaries without rest for two years. Her telephone does not stop ringing: hospitals, doctors, the wounded, trips to the front.

Anastasiya Borodenkova and Pavlo “Dolphin”

Together they have gone through pain, sorrow, losses, war in order to save each other and to present the whole new world to the loved one!

Their love story started at New Year night which they spent with real friends, volunteers and servicemen. However, they did not see anyone else. They were silent and felt only each other.

Today they are packing the suitcases to go to Los Angeles to the “Oscar” ceremony
as Pavlo is one of the founders of the film production studio which made “Winter in Fire” nominated for “Oscar” prize.

The Barylky: Nazar and Yevheniya

He is from the 24th separate mechanized brigade (2d battalion, 6th company, 3d platoon).
She is a volunteer, daughter of a military officer.

On October 10, 2014, near the town of Shchastya, he got four bullet wounds to his right thigh. Due to that the leg was amputated. They met in Kyiv military hospital where he was rehabilitated.

When he had his birthday he made a wish to find his second half. He saw Zhenya in the hall, and when she came into his ward by mistake, he understood that he loved her and will never let her go away.

The Barylkys: Nazar and Yevheniya

-   When I met Nazar, I didn’t care whether he had a leg or not. First of all, I saw a very handsome and courageous guy. I was excited by his strength of will. Then I understood that he was my soul, – Zhenya recalls.

Later, Zhenya introduced her son Vanya to Nazar, and Nazar understood that it was a family which he has been dreaming all his life.

-   After being wounded, I started my life anew, – says Nazar. – With a woman who I love, who supports me, knows how to calm me down when I recall the war, the woman who gives me love, tenderness, and care. I understood that after the war and a bad wound, it is possible to be happy!

The Malyovanyis: Lyudmyla and Eduard

He is a professional military who served in Yugoslavia as a peace-keeper, then he fought in Sierra-Leone and Iraq.

She is his devoted wife.

They have been together for 25 years, half of their life.

When the war in the Donbas started he was in the reserve already because of his health. He wanted to become a military volunteer, but he was rejected. Then he alone picketed the Ministry of Defense.

The Malyovanyis: Lyudmyla and Eduard

He told his wife about his wound, “Nothing serious, just a scratch in the face. Don’t worry. I will be in Kyiv in couple days”.

She saw him before the operation – the face in bandages, even the eyes. Then there was an operation which lasted for five hours. She tried not to think, only to love, to hope, and to pray.

After the operation, after the troubles, they got married in the church. They have three children, and have grandchildren; still even now they address each other as “My Princess” and “My love”, and are going to live one more happy life.

Roksana Kasumova, for UP. Life

Photo: Ihor Palamarchuk

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