Love and war. ATO militaries about happiness which that found.Part 1

Love and war. ATO militaries about happiness which that found.Part 1

The UkrainianPravda. Life presents love stories of Ukrainian servicemen.

The Kerimovs: Ali and Alla 

He is a military of the 30th mechanized brigade and was awarded the order “For Courage” III degree. He participated in the defense of Debaltseve, was wounded, was operated on a dozen times.

She is his wife, his faith, his hope, and his love.

They are very different. Alla is temperamental, emotional, and impulsive. Ali is reasonable, logical, and steady. However, they have been together for 10 long and happy years. In 2010 they got married, and a bit later their daughter Alisa, their little princess, was born.

When Russian troops occupied Donetsk, Ali as a volunteer went to defend his Motherland. He was in Debaltseve in the most difficult time.

The Kerimovs: Ali and Alla

Alla did not miss any news program; she was worrying, and praying, and waiting; he called and sent SMSs trying to calm her down when there were explosions and shelling around.

On February 14, he sent a message to his love, “Everything is OK. I love you very much”. The same day he was badly wounded.

His comrades-in-arms, risking their lives, brought him to Artemivsk. He was operated on, after that he was operated on in Kharkiv, then several times in Kyiv.  However, his family was by him all the time – they walked together, laughed, and learnt to jump on one leg. Now Ali is at home. They had a very difficult year and a half, but they survived, no matter what. February 14 is not only Day of Lovers for them, but the second birthday.

Oleksiy Kondrashov and Iryna Dudnyk

He is a military of the 40th battalion of the territorial defense which he was in Ilovaysk with. He was mobilized together with his brother.

She is a volunteer and visited the ATO zone several times; she brought humanitarian aid to militaries, children and peaceful adults in Donetsk, and helped the wounded in hospitals.

Oleksiy was wounded when the militaries were getting out of Ilovaysk; he was captured, but managed to get back to the peaceful Ukrainian territory, and after that – in Kyiv. After the operation he met with Ira.

 Oleksiy Kondrashov and Iryna Dudnyk

Even now she laughs when she recalls how her heart was nearly stopping when she approached his ward and later when she was walking with him, her “100-kg happiness” in a wheel chair in Khreshchatic Street.

When Oleksiy went to Romania for rehabilitation, he asked Ira to wait for him.

Now they together help wounded militaries in hospitals and collect aid for children in orphanages in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Iryna confessed that Oleksiy had presented her happiness.

Iryna and Dmytro “Dim Dim” Bodnar

He is a military of the 95th airmobile brigade, a volunteer. He fought in Slovyansk, Lisichansk, Karachun, and the Donetsk airport. She is his beloved wife. They have been together for 10 years though they met accidentally. 

Dmytro impressed Ira at first glance, and Ira impressed Dmytro when he tasted rabbit in sour cream cooked by her. There has been a world of flowers, songs, tender words, and sincere confessions. In 2010 their charming daughter was born.

Iryna and Dmytro ‘Dim Din” Bodnar

The war started unexpectedly; it was not declared and was not needed. He was in the hot spots, and she was waiting, prayed, and believed. Dmytro was wounded in a battle for Donetsk airport. As soon as he contacted her, she was ready to go to him. She wanted to hug him very strongly, to protect him! For them the war was over. He was hers, he was alive, and she was ready to fight for his life as she loved him, she loves him, and she will love him forever.

The Klevtsovs: Oleksandr and Yulia

He was an aimer of an artillery gun of the 128th mountain-infantry brigade. He fought in Debaltseve, then he was mobilized.

She is a volunteer and helped the 3d battery which Sashko served for.

They met on July 28, 2005 and have celebrated that day every year.

The Klevtsovs: Oleksandr and Yulia

Holidays are an occasion for creative presents. Sashko surprised his wife even when he was in Debalsteve: Iryna got a huge bunch of flowers with a hand-made heart on her birthday.
The last two years have been very difficult for them, but they are together, a husband and a wife and the best friends.

Love and war. ATO militaries about happiness which that found.Part 2

Roksana Kasumova, for UP. Life

Photo: Ihor Palamarchuk

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